
How to Practice Self-Compassion

Most of us from a young age are taught how to be kind, considerate and compassionate toward others. But rarely are we told to show the same consideration to ourselves. This becomes even more true for individuals brought up in abusive or unloving homes. What is Self-Compassion? Self-compassion refers to how we can relate to the self with kindness. Self-compassion...[ read more ]

What is a week-end?

“What is a week-end?” Maggie Smith’s character from Downton Abbey famously inquired while in conversation with her soon to be grandson-in-law. While she enjoyed a life of luxurious leisure, today we may find ourselves asking the same question, but for different reasons. Many of us have been working from home now for several weeks, though who’s to be sure how...[ read more ]

Perhaps it is I

“Be kind” I gently remind my intimate neighbors on NextDoor. "Stay home" I subtly reprimand my loyal Instagram legion. “Congratulate me” and “heed my expert advice” I humbly share to my audience to make my contributions to society known on FaceBook. “Imagine” I sing to the sick and downtrodden intimating that quarantine is not so bad even within a mere...[ read more ]

Why People Misunderstand Anxiety

Did you ever play the game called “telephone” growing up? One kid whispered a secret message into the ear of the kid next to him. That kid then whispered the “same” message into the ear of the kid next to her. On and on each kid would whisper the message around the circle until you came to the last kid,...[ read more ]

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