
Tips for Staying Healthy While Working from Home

For some people, working from home is a normal routine. This is, after all, the rising gig economy, and many people have been freelancing, making a living from their home office for many years now. But for others, working from home is a completely new phenomenon brought about by the global pandemic. For this second group of people, working from...[ read more ]

4 Reasons to Start Therapy in 2021

If you’re like most people, you brought in the new year with a list of resolutions. And if you’re like most people, all of those resolutions have one goal: to better your life in some way. Whether that is through eating right, working out, learning a new language or decluttering your home office, resolutions are made to help us live...[ read more ]

The Difference Between ADD & ADHD

When searching for information on mental health issues, you’ll find attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) lumped together. In fact, you’ll often read ADD/ADHD. So it’s easy to see why people get confused. Before we talk about the differences, it’s worth it to take a brief historical look at attention deficit disorder to get an idea...[ read more ]

New Year’s Resolutions to leave 2020 behind and achieve in 2021

If you struggle to set goals, let alone reach them, you are definitely not alone. In fact, it is thought that roughly 92% of the population has a hard to stick to goals. And this constant cycle of trying to set beneficial life or health goals, but never quite reaching them, can ultimately lead to stress, anxiety or depression. That’s...[ read more ]

5 Quick Tips for Managing Your Everyday ADHD

If the pandemic has caused you to wonder whether you experience adult ADHD, call our office today to set up an expert evaluation. If you’re an adult struggling to cope with ADHD, everyday life can present you with various challenges. You may have difficulty managing work and personal relationships, meeting demands at work and at home, as well as taking...[ read more ]

Signs You May Have Adult ADHD

The current Covid-19 pandemic has forced many of us to significantly alter our work routines, including working from home amid numerous distractions. Several months into the pandemic, patterns are solidifying and signs of distraction and difficulty concentrating may no longer be due to the change. In the fast-paced world we live in today, it’s easy for anyone to become forgetful...[ read more ]

4 Reasons You Should Try Family Therapy with Your Teenager

As parents, it can be challenging raising a teenager. Teenagers are at the stage where they begin to question the beliefs and values they were raised with, while challenging authority and parental restrictions. Sometimes, teens are struggling with even more issues in their lives. A teen struggling with substance abuse, a mental health disorder, or behavioral problems can cause a...[ read more ]

He didn’t say what? Normative Male Alexithymia, it’s a thing.

There’s an old joke that goes a little something like this: Two women sit next to one another in the park, chatting. The first woman turns to the other and asks, "Does your husband talk to you?" And the other woman replies, "All the time! He asks me what’s for dinner, he asks me if he has clean socks. Once...[ read more ]

Keys to Successful Therapy

Cognitive therapy has been shown over the years to be incredibly effective at helping people recognize and change their behaviors. But, as much potential as therapy has for every individual, some people seem to have success with therapy while others don’t. Some of this stems from what the individuals’ expectations were going into therapy, some from how much effort they...[ read more ]

How Learning Disabilities Affect a Child’s Mental Health

For many children and teens, learning disabilities are a frustrating part of life. Learning disabilities not only bring a sense of shame and isolation, but they can also lead to mental health issues in some children. What Are Learning Disabilities? According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), a learning disability is any disorder of the fundamental psychological processes...[ read more ]

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