
He didn’t say what? Normative Male Alexithymia, it’s a thing.

There’s an old joke that goes a little something like this: Two women sit next to one another in the park, chatting. The first woman turns to the other and asks, "Does your husband talk to you?" And the other woman replies, "All the time! He asks me what’s for dinner, he asks me if he has clean socks. Once...[ read more ]

Keys to Successful Therapy

Cognitive therapy has been shown over the years to be incredibly effective at helping people recognize and change their behaviors. But, as much potential as therapy has for every individual, some people seem to have success with therapy while others don’t. Some of this stems from what the individuals’ expectations were going into therapy, some from how much effort they...[ read more ]

Can Long-Term Isolation Lead to an Addiction?

We are living through some of the most stressful times in recent history. With the global pandemic raging on, many of us are still worried about our own health and the health of our loved ones, especially our older friends and family members. Many of us have also been hit with financial burdens. Some have lost jobs and others have...[ read more ]

How Learning Disabilities Affect a Child’s Mental Health

For many children and teens, learning disabilities are a frustrating part of life. Learning disabilities not only bring a sense of shame and isolation, but they can also lead to mental health issues in some children. What Are Learning Disabilities? According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), a learning disability is any disorder of the fundamental psychological processes...[ read more ]

What is a week-end?

“What is a week-end?” Maggie Smith’s character from Downton Abbey famously inquired while in conversation with her soon to be grandson-in-law. While she enjoyed a life of luxurious leisure, today we may find ourselves asking the same question, but for different reasons. Many of us have been working from home now for several weeks, though who’s to be sure how...[ read more ]

Symptoms of Adult ADHD

A great deal of discussion is given to childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But this behavioral issue greatly affects adults as well. While the exact cause of adult ADHD isn’t yet understood, recent research seems to indicate that genes and heredity, the foods we eat, and our environment play key roles. Symptoms of Adult ADHD Many adults who are...[ read more ]

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