
Keys to Successful Therapy

Cognitive therapy has been shown over the years to be incredibly effective at helping people recognize and change their behaviors. But, as much potential as therapy has for every individual, some people seem to have success with therapy while others don’t. Some of this stems from what the individuals’ expectations were going into therapy, some from how much effort they...[ read more ]

Lean on Me: Why People with a Mental Health Crisis Need a Support Network

Human beings have a need for social connection. It stems from our ancestors needing to stick together to stay alive. Back in the day, those individuals who strayed from the group had a harder time surviving the elements and not starving to death. While it is far safer to be an individual these days, that doesn’t mean it is healthy...[ read more ]

Can Long-Term Isolation Lead to an Addiction?

We are living through some of the most stressful times in recent history. With the global pandemic raging on, many of us are still worried about our own health and the health of our loved ones, especially our older friends and family members. Many of us have also been hit with financial burdens. Some have lost jobs and others have...[ read more ]

How Learning Disabilities Affect a Child’s Mental Health

For many children and teens, learning disabilities are a frustrating part of life. Learning disabilities not only bring a sense of shame and isolation, but they can also lead to mental health issues in some children. What Are Learning Disabilities? According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), a learning disability is any disorder of the fundamental psychological processes...[ read more ]

The Mental Health Impact of COVID-19 on Families

If you asked any of us a year ago what would life be like in 2020, it’s doubtful anyone would have guessed we’d be going through a global pandemic, replete with lockdowns and self-quarantining. At the beginning of the year, some families might have thought of being forced to stay home from work and school would be a fun little...[ read more ]

Yes, Virginia, You Can Learn to Love… Okay Like, Exercise

Hate exercising? You’re definitely not alone. At any time during the year, thousands of people across the country commit to working out, only to fall off the wagon weeks later. So what gives? Why does exercising feel so hard and is there any possible way to like it more? Exercise feels like a chore because there are so many misconceptions...[ read more ]

Life on the Spectrum: Getting Therapy for Austim as an Adult

Today, awareness of autism is at an all-time high. As an adult, you may look back on your childhood and realize that you've possibly had an autism diagnosis overlooked. If you're a parent, you may have come to realizations about yourself after observing behaviors in your child. However you've come to notice the signs, you may suspect that you have...[ read more ]

Getting Your Inner Spark Back: 5 Tips to Loving Yourself Again

We are born knowing that we are infinitely lovable. Babies and toddlers demand love and attention. They ask to be held, they ask for toys and presents and they feel they deserve them. When we’re very young, we simply somehow just “know” that we are amazing and deserve nothing but goodness. But then something happens… We get programmed by kids...[ read more ]

Understanding and Dealing with Social Anxiety at Work (even if you work remotely)

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 15 million U.S. Americans, or 6.8% of the population, suffers from Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). SAD, also sometimes referred to as social phobia, is an intense fear of social situations. The sufferer believes they could become humiliated and embarrass themselves somehow in front of other people. They tend to focus on...[ read more ]

How to Practice Self-Compassion

Most of us from a young age are taught how to be kind, considerate and compassionate toward others. But rarely are we told to show the same consideration to ourselves. This becomes even more true for individuals brought up in abusive or unloving homes. What is Self-Compassion? Self-compassion refers to how we can relate to the self with kindness. Self-compassion...[ read more ]

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